I am trying the Avene Intense Protect spf 50 fluide right now++
'Net finally back up, here's more info ++
Thought on Hada Labo Goku-Jyun Lotion- This received a lot of good reviews & I would love something
Here's YSL information on both which I copied & saved; I use both. Mostly as illuminator/
Testing Dove body wash on my face for over a week, and the aveeno eczema cream-anyone else?
Non-drying sunscreen recommendations please. I currently +++
Here's some tips ++
Of course if your skin is fine with the ingredients;-) Just like for example Avene Tolerance rop
Empties and Tosses for February:
My local TJ Maxx and Marshall's has a lot of Milk products both makeup and skincare. Maybe++