NOTD: Nail repair and Tonic Hot to Trot *pic heavy*
I'm so sorry. I don't have any advice, really, but I hope you find answers++
I would reach for more honestly you sound very capable of handling it +
Check out Ramy Beauty Therapy. Ramy is a cancer survivor and designed brow products for people +++
Yes, I understand what both of you are saying, I just know that++
he may feel he is coming from a good place but i do wish he would leave you alone to figure it out +
Oh, so many. Grab a drink and sit back, because this is a long post. +++
Calendula (marigold is fantastic for wound healing. This used to be the only thing healing my ever++
First, you look like a gorgeous ethereal angel. I hope you are not insecure about your looks, they+
Different type of suggestion--contact your local American Cancer Society and see if they have +