I broke out of my e/s rut w/help from Hung Vanngo & TTSandra+++
Steroids gave some energy + appetite. Idk what else, maybe minimizes reaction >>.
Essence Princess (green writing on tube) and then next coat Revlon So Fierce++
I have exactly the same issue and have tried a DIY lash lift, what a PITA++
I have always worn waterproof. My eyes water easily, I cry when I laugh, & my lashes droop and++
Actually other than holding a curl better, wp mascara isn’t all that less smudge-++
Thank you!
Go-To Daily Glamour Routine (I'll be 50 in September) - SE Arizona
Eyelure #20 and #31…I’ve worn these and not even my hubby (wearing his glasses)+
I love falsies but now only save them for special occasions. They photograph so well++