Here's how my perfume compliment went today........rop
Yaby Foundation Mixer in Ivory or Custard rop
Solid bar shampoo without sulfates, Lush maybe but I know it has bunch of ++
Something like Glossier Skin Tint maybe? Or why not just mix a lot of moisturizer with TM or sheer +
L’Occitane Shea Oil or Lush Ultrabland.
FYI the Michael Todd Soniclear brush is way better than Clarisonic, it has more settings and+++
I also prefer sheer lippies. Note that Revlon has a Sheer subcategory of Super Lustrous, ++
I think it's different for everyone. Sweet violet, raspberry, strawberry, sometimes tuberose +
Happy New Year! Please give me your suggestions for light powdery florals that aren't +
I so rarely go to the outlet mall anymore but today I hit up the CCO there...r/o