These from MY ETHEREAL and LAUNDRY LISTS..(prev. posted). Rop++
Before my latest discovery, which I’ll get to in a sec, my faves were++
Katherine Heigl interview.+
I just saw your pics! Those reds look great on you, but you look lighter olive than me. I am more ++
*5 days of makeup challenge thread* Day 2: Ten things I hate about you Tuesday+
Best tinted moisturizes you'd recommend?
I did the opposite, used to live in MN now in NC. Here are some of my MN stand by's for my very++
Nars Radiant, Soap and Glory Kick Ass (same formula as the cult fave CYO)++
I have been using a lot of Korean skin care products for years and my daughter who
Oh I read your post wrong. I thought you were saying that ++