What is post black friday ILNP shipping like in the US? My parents are in AZ +
Just made an order at C4N for AEngland, Vanessa Molina, and Picture Polish. +
Whats your guess re: ILNP
yes, I saw those ILNP caps! And the Fancy Gloss sale is only 6 hours long!
I forgot I wanted to look at Fancy Gloss for their +
I am waiting to see what ILNP will be, I'll be doing Painted Polish and Fancy Gloss (a quick
116 untrieds to go, ILNP Autumn, a keeper!
NOTDs: Manis I wore this week
The nice thing about ILNP is they keep collections for a long time. Congrats on getting debt free!!!
I do kind of want the sparkly white one from the new ILNP collection, but have talked myself into +