Funny stuff your kids said as toddlers? Ex: 'chee' for++
I'll look into that. Thank you for sharing.
mine always cautions me that I'll hate it and she is always right, lol. +
There's been none!! I'm not even taking pain meds, it's very confusing but I'll take it
Kitty here's another one I wanted but it would arrive while im out of town +
I'm sorry. If I can stay neutral/mediate, I do that. If not, I talk/vent to a neutral party, also+
I did my big shop yesterday in preparation lol. But I'll have to take these kids outside at some
What all are you picking up for Black Friday this year?
The Beauty Secrets base coat did not work well for me +
omg no no no. I'll go on the boring date, i'll do it LOL