I wipe excess color off the bristles or spray some brush cleaner on a paper towel and then swipe to+
I guess it depends on your needs for eye brushes. Sweetmakeuptemptations does a great job at++
The Zoeva 234 is similar but more scratchy than the OG 239. The haku dupe NatalieA posted is ++
Are the Haku goat/squirrel better blenders/as soft, like the g5522? +
If you're looking for something particularly for the Hourglass powders+
Also, I'm really loving all the Haku posts!
I really wish you had the t series to compare these to, but they are lovely.+
Wow, my Haku order shipped already!
My "I need work to start again, this is what happens when I have time on my hands" haku haul+
*falls down haku hole* save me D: