I would mix HA or Evian to get the rest out, not mix them all together
Let’s just say it’s a bad day when you reach for your Evian face spray and accidentally spray dr
TJ Maxx skincare finds?? I am **obsessed***, always prowling for awesome skincare at TJ Maxx
I am liking the new Revlon Candid concealer for this++
oh, the sad saga of the fried barrier! sure, it could be the cause ++
2018 empties and mini-reviews (or "I can't believe I saved all my trash for a year!") +
Water. Evian mineral water. No just hear me out, lol. +
I use Avene Ystheal (0.05% retinaldehyde) every 3rd night. +
my morning routine... ++
I use the Evian too, mostly because I have a lot of trouble with spray bottles and the little ones +