A writeup I did awhile ago.... feel free to post or PM me with questions ++
My skin also got EXTREMELY dry during meno, I finally found this regimen that's helped ++
I had a bad case several years ago, here's my writeup ++
Could be seborrheic dermatitis, it's a fungal thing and very persistent; it was more or less ++
OK. I'm 66 and have had various skin issues over the years, starting with "eczema" as a baby. ++
Sorry you're dealing with this. This is my SD routine; I've been doing the washcloth ++
IF wearing makeup (haven't been much lately), remove that (eyes: Physicians Formula ++
Here's what I do ++
Don't overdo it; you needn't respond with all barrels. I wouldn't do the Nizoral till you've tried +
Here's what I do (and btw, there's NO guarantee that a derm/doc can properly diagnose ++