According to my stylist, about half the population is sensitive or intolerant to coconut++
Has coconut oil helped your hair with dryness?
The key to durability of no lamp gel (NLG)/hybrid np is the topcoat. You can use the colors w/other+
There are no hard and fast rules and it depends on how much dirt there is - the more dirt, dust, +++
my used up list for the week (all skincare) with mini reviews/opinions: ++
Right now I wear Lisa Eldridge #17 foundation, and I LOVE her new Rain lipstick color! Rop
C is right, Oh Do I love my roses dark, spicy and definitely sexy! MY SPICY ROSE LIST...Rop++
Thank you! Yeah I'm in the US. Mustela shampoo has been great--let me see if there are any bath prod
When my sister let her hair go gray, she had the same issue and the same hair. She had to rely on++
I have not been disappointed by anything I purchased, but favorites bought repeatedly are++