If you can teach her to treat it well after a wash then maybe she can leave it be more. I mean+++
IDK, this seems to be almost random (the pore thing). I've had foundations that do that to me, ++
I love using loose mineral powder fdtns and have discovered they’re far more versatile than I ever +
I live in a very hot/humid climate too and also have dry skin. Tbh powder fndt just +
I don’t understand powder foundations and need help++
The brush in Armor's bottle looks stained pink. I know that Armor has a wee bit of lavender tinting+
I couldn’t post last week bc I was sick so this was last weeks list+
Yes, I have a few Orange Blossom Loves! ...Rop++
I’m not a lover of spray dry shampoos…they always make my hair feel like there’s++
Some tips... note that I think your skin is dehydrated, not necessarily dry (lack of oil) ++