Ultra Clear Antiperspirant and Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

Another loser--it may not show white marks, but it doesn't keep my a bit dry either. In fact, I'm sure it causes me to sweat more, much like the Dove version of this. With both (and I've given...

Ultra Clear Antiperspirant and Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

Absolutely the ONLY deodorant I've ever used that doesn't leave a single white mark. It's almost miraculous! I've been thinking about toting around one of those Gal Pal deodorant mark erasers in my...

Ultra Clear Antiperspirant and Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

My DH has skin of steel and no allergies, but the Clean State Mens version of this made his underarms itch like mad. He looked like a monkey, scratching under his arms. The Ultra Clear line has...

Ultra Clear Antiperspirant and Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

I had been using Secret for years because it was the only product that kept me dry. I was sick of the white mess on my clothes from Secret despite it being a "clear" deodorant. Tried this Degree...

Ultra Clear Antiperspirant and Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

This deodorant really does go on clear. The texture takes some getting used to. I had to keep checking that there was deodorant in my pits - it just doesn't feel like you have anything on. ...

Ultra Clear Antiperspirant and Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

Love, love, LOVE this deodorant. I got it as a sample from Walmart.com and I am absolutely hooked. It smells good all day, my underarms are perfectly dry, and I have no white marks. I'd buy it...

Ultra Clear Antiperspirant and Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

HG DEODORANT ALERT! This is the BEST deodorant I have ever used. It is the ONLY one that is truly CLEAR. I have tried other "clear" deodorants, but they ALWAYS left white marks on my clothing...

Spectrum Protection Anti-perspirant & Deodorant
Created with Sketch.

22 years ago

i was pleasantly surprised by thi sproduct when I had to use in in a pinch instead of my regular deodorant. It is a soft solid, that protects well. didn't really leave any white residue on my...