If you’ve tried treatments and haven’t gotten much improvement then it could be++
It's not impossible, hair loss (as in hair bulb leaving the scalp or changes in hair +
Unfortunately the diagnosis was just by looking at me and my scalp. I don't recall them taking ++
go to dr about hair. My friend is getting a scalp treatment. My hairloss ended up being meds & I'm +
Poll: Gamechanging skincare information you learned in recent years?
I thought I had scalp SD that I couldn't get rid of until dr diagnosed it as psoriasis. +
I still don't understand how these derms to stars can be so misleading it's crazy+
For eyebrows DermaZinc bar soap worked great for me +
I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis aka dandruff in my teens. I was told it never quite ++
Stress? My always have on hand product +