Getting retin A? R/O
Don't bother w/ lemon juice or straight vinegar! Citrus can actually photosensitize your skin w/+
They don't recommend mixing tret into moisturizer in general so I would say no. I don't think r/o
I feel like this is a primary school math problem, but is % tretinoin a straight volumetric ro
Yes going SLOW is really important, especially if one has somewhat reactive skin - r/o
4th time trying retinoid is the charm - finally able to tolerate it rop
I started noticing tiny improvements in just a couple months, but really - r/o
Can I ask about your Curology experience ++
I did that for a little while for same reasons. Now that my skin has drastically improved - r/o
All of this is true. Curology user here for 6.5 years. Happy camper:)