I'm going to try the gel bc with an Essie gorgeous geodes np. Is it just buff, dehydrate, bc, cure++
I’m pretty sure it’s the same idea. It’s really easy!+++
I decided to order the Gelie-cure kit for my mom (and me) so I got them after all! Vesper & Foster
Tried a gelie-cure sandwich with Essie Gorgeous Geodes+
Essie Sweater Weather (LOVE) over Zoya Gelie Cure (new HG)
thank you both for these updates. I've been hesitant to try any gelie-cure type product because +
Tagging on to report my third application... This time ++
My week with zoya gelie-cure: update
This is a review of the Zoya Gelie Cure system. Zoya has 15 free nail polish, so I'm betting it's +
I'd highly recommend the Zoya Gelie Cure kit mentioned above. ++