If you have melasma, may want to consider tranexamic acid r/o
Just use regular OTC wart meds, compound W works great for us.
Holy shet guys, I think the new Cetaphil Rough & bumpy 20% urea lotion may help reduce+
The undertones have shifted around a bit in this "new" studio radiance face & body radiant sheer rop
My fellow PPPs: I have samples of both #C0 and #N0 of MAC Studio Radiance F&B Radiant Sheer fndt rop
IMO #C1 so the same as in the "old" one. #C0/#N0 would be too light and N1 not yellow enough. rop
I have a healthy pension fund, old 401(k), and new IRA. Which should I rop
they can be burned off with compound W