Merci beau blue and blue ming are supposed to be very close. I think Polish Lab Rat has a compariso+
Not sure if they are blue enough but orly happy camper, Color club blue Ming, or color club
What are your favorite blue leaning pastel aquas?+
absolutely! Here's some suggestions for what I think works for pink-purple . I'll try to do rop
Was soooo excited to see some NEW Funky Fingers in 5 Below. I haven’t seen them in AGES!! Hope ++
CC is next week> confession: I own their Cookies & Cream collection (plus similar DL$) all untried+
I thought to post these twice yesterday but still forgot! Here are the themes for the week- it looks
NOTD blue/green skittles thumb to pinky- Color Club Wild Child, Orly Gumdrop, r/o,
and here is list #2 which are 3rd grade chapter books+
Color Club Blaze