The All Powderful Tinted Dry Shampoo
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7 years ago

I purchased the version for dark hair. It made my hair my oily. It was really messy, the powder was everywhere. I would stick with klorane dry shampoos.

Desserted Island Supreme Body Mousse
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7 years ago

A nice body lotion, it is a tad expensive. I do like the scent of it, considering I'm not a fan of coconut scented products, this one has a nicer coconut scent that doesn't remind me of...

The All Powderful Tinted Dry Shampoo
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7 years ago

Very excited to get this product, but I guess I had set my hopes way too high. I purchased it after making a switch to cruelty free products. First thing I noticed was how easily messy it gets;...

The 'Do Gooder Dry Shampoo
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7 years ago This dry shampoo is a sweet smelling, wet feeling spray. It doesn't leave a residue or deposit any colour. It is not similar to the Batiste Dry Shampoo at all. It...

The 'Do Gooder Dry Shampoo
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7 years ago This dry shampoo is a sweet smelling, wet feeling spray. It doesn't leave a residue or deposit any colour. It is not similar to the Batiste Dry Shampoo at all. It...

The All Powderful Tinted Dry Shampoo
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8 years ago

This is my go to dry shampoo for traveling, I always do carry on only so the less liquids the better. I found this completely by accident but I've been impressed with it! I've seen a few reviews...

Desserted Island Supreme Body Mousse
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8 years ago

I received this product in an Ipsy bag, and at first I loved it. I am a sucker for anything that smells sweet like coconut or like baked goods, so I ended up only liking it for the smell. After a...

Heavy Cream Intensive Hand Repair Balm
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8 years ago

I just finished a 30mL size of this, which lasted me from February/March until now. Formula wise, I found it to be a very good hand cream if you have dry hands (which I do, especially in the...

The All Powderful Tinted Dry Shampoo
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8 years ago I enjoy this Cake Dry Shampoo - I've only ever tried spray dry shampoos, this is my first actual powder dry shampoo. I purchased the color...

The All Powderful Tinted Dry Shampoo
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8 years ago

I travel a lot for work. So much so , that checking a bag is just too much work. Overall I have packing down to a fine art - however there are a handful of airports that are incredibly picky over...

The All Powderful Tinted Dry Shampoo
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8 years ago

This corn starch based dry shampoo comes in 3 shades - light, medium (for light to medium brunettes) and dark. The dispenser is a smallish powder shaker tube. I purchased on sale at SDM for 13...

Inca Oil Extraordinaire Rejuvenating Oil
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8 years ago

Love this oil! I originally got it as a sample from Sephora several years ago, which (in Canada) they no longer carry. I now buy it from and love it, also love that it is a Canadian company...

Heavy Cream Intensive Hand Repair Balm
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8 years ago

This is sticky, tacky, and feels so horrid plus it has a slightly sugary sweet scent but it's off. I couldn't even wear this more than 5 minutes. I threw the entire tube out after a single use....

The Everything Balm
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8 years ago

This balm claims to be suitable for 21+ uses on the body, and who wouldn't want to be able to have one product streamline your routine, especially when short on time? Apparently this magic...

The Everything Balm
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8 years ago

This balm claims to be suitable for 21+ uses on the body, and who wouldn't want to be able to have one product streamline your routine, especially when short on time? Apparently this magic...

Satin Sugar
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8 years ago

I bought this product awhile ago but didn't use it much at first because I figured it would take longer and using a spray dry shampoo would be quicker. Now I can see that I was wrong. Not only is...

Satin Sugar
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8 years ago

I bought this product awhile ago but didn't use it much at first because I figured it would take longer and using a spray dry shampoo would be quicker. Now I can see that I was wrong. Not only is...

Heavy Cream Intensive Hand Repair Balm
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9 years ago

I managed to get this at a very reasonable price at Costco. I am so glad I bought it because it's probably one of the best hand creams I have ever used. Very rich and thick consistency and a...

The Everything Balm
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9 years ago The everything balm calms to be able to solve a bunch of problems related to dryness. They are a independant Canadian brand, which is great! I received a sample in...

The Everything Balm
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9 years ago The everything balm calms to be able to solve a bunch of problems related to dryness. They are a independant Canadian brand, which is great! I received a sample in...

Cake Walk Foot Cream
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10 years ago

I have extremely dry, callused feet. They crack and they hurt and they wake me up in the middle of the night. So I like the spearmint scent of this cream, but it isn't a treatment, it's more of a...

Cake Walk Foot Cream
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10 years ago

I have extremely dry, callused feet. They crack and they hurt and they wake me up in the middle of the night. So I like the spearmint scent of this cream, but it isn't a treatment, it's more of a...

Heavy Cream Intensive Hand Repair Balm
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10 years ago

I just bought this hand cream and I love it already. I love Cake beauty (no-nonsensical chemicals and it's a Canadian Brand!) and the moment I saw this hand cream I had to pick it up. I've got...