Elchim 3900 dryer vs T3 cura luxe?
I have tried both because the heating element has gone out on this multiple times.++
Is there much difference between the T3 Cura and Cura Luxe?
Super helpful! Thank you!
I have it and really like it. Previously I had the Babyliss Portofino, which is also good. ROP
Opinions on T3 cura dryer?
Anyone else have problems with the T3 cura hair dryer? The heating element has+
T3 Cura Luxe, Elchim 3900, or something else? Want dryer upgrade that will last! +
I love my T3 and have been a loyal fan of T3 for years, but their newest model, the "Cura" doesn't+
The new T3 Cura dryers don't have tourmaline embedded in the heater like the older dryers do. If+