Clinique Acne Solutions gel. Link +++
My skin went to looking the best in my adult life once I became serious with using AHA and is a great place to check! N/A +++
I buy from my dermatologists office as they quickly process my Brilliant Distinctions awards +
I cleaned out some of my skin care products to give to my daughter since
The complete proactiv line is too harsh due to the scrubby cleanser but+
What medication was it? You are no longer on it, right? How long ago did you stop it?+
i think you might not be getting any responses because you are asking for a lot of detailed info +
NoAnswrOnSkinCareBoard...clnsr/spf-day/moistrzr-night/toner? acne skin r/o +++
I use Differin nightly. Keep the same skin care products. If I break out (at 58!) I like the acne +