Small screens, big names.+
My 12 yo son and I both use this for pimples. it's effective and gentle (i have very senstive skin)+
Sleep in a hair buff. It has made a huge difference. My hair is too short to do my old trick of ++
New 'Flintstones' sequel in the works.+
I like Bed Head Masterpiece and Spray n Play. Just don’t go overboard with either.
For me, it changes but I try to ask myself +
I had a pretty impressively sore, stiff arm starting a few hours after 2nd shot. Then - r/o
Used the Bed Head Curls Rock Amplifer for the 1st time today. It made my 2b hair much curlier than +
If you can suffer through a Liz Taylor movie called The VIP’s...
Fifty Shades star Dornan shows comedic streak.+