if you like them get them! I'm on my second set of barstools and no matter how you slice it...+
I like both...My favorites..r/o
SOTD/ Exclusion by Covid 19 - A Personal Novella. Rop+
Here is mine:
LUSH: American Cream soap, Brightside bubble bar, Revelations bath oil, Argan Dragon shower oil
My relative gave her hubby gift tins of all his favorite homemade treats, special cookies, +
I'm sure about the polish, unsure about the jewelry and bath stuff - EdM, Dreamland, and Aurora 5 +
What's on your list? I added the Aurora 5 sith magnetic, dreamland wednesday witch, emily de molly +
Broken tibia
Ant tips to help keep my bath sink drain clear? My bar soap is causing clogs. I can’t switch