always good to own basic like basic tee in multiple colors, large cardigan in beige & black, boot -
I am still learning but besides good undergarments, dark straight leg or boot cut jeans, black r/o
I almost exclusively wear browns these are my faves:
those are good tips. i need to make sure i have all my basics. what would you say are the+
I would also take inventory as to what you do have. Make sure you have your basics first. On YT-
Fish oil helps a little.
Go-To Daily Glamour Routine (I'll be 50 in September) - SE Arizona
Maybe 'go nouveau' on cremes, and just choose a few basics from OPI Nature Strong line to start?
2nd the new UD Naked 3 mini/Basics!
There are some BST Groups on Facebook (Buy, Sell, Trade) that get a lot of love. I love handmedowns+