Sweet Surrender
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15 years ago

SMELLS AMAZING!!!! This is, without question, the BEST deodorant ever. The scent is beautiful and last a long time. Even if I sweat, I still smell like sweet flowers all day long. As long as this...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

15 years ago

SMELLS AMAZING!!!! This is, without question, the BEST deodorant ever. The scent is beautiful and last a long time. Even if I sweat, I still smell like sweet flowers all day long. As long as this...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

15 years ago

This is my HG deodorant, the scent is amazing, like someone else said, I wish Ban would come out with a line of body sprays, body washes, lotions, etc. to go with it! You have to be careful not to...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

15 years ago

This is my HG deodorant, the scent is amazing, like someone else said, I wish Ban would come out with a line of body sprays, body washes, lotions, etc. to go with it! You have to be careful not to...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

I don't remember the scent I used, but it wasn't sweet surrender. There was a purple strip on it. Anyways, I bought it for the scent, which was amazing. I wish they had perfume, body lotion, body...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

I don't remember the scent I used, but it wasn't sweet surrender. There was a purple strip on it. Anyways, I bought it for the scent, which was amazing. I wish they had perfume, body lotion, body...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

This is my absolute favorite smelling deodorant ever!! Not only that but it keeps me completely dry and smelling fresh ALL day. The stick itself lasts a really long time. It doesn't leave...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

This is my absolute favorite smelling deodorant ever!! Not only that but it keeps me completely dry and smelling fresh ALL day. The stick itself lasts a really long time. It doesn't leave...

Invisible Solid Anti-Perspirant and Deodorant
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16 years ago

I have this in Paradise Winds and the scent is OK but protection is none. It is slightly better than bare skin on armpits but doesn't not protect from wetting or stinking even in regular activities :(

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

I really love the smell, but it stops working in a couple of days. Dove deo is the best.

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

Where do I start? It smells amazing. It works amazing. It IS amazing! It does, however, show white marks on shirts, but even the deodorant brands claiming to prevent this problem do. Overall this...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

Where do I start? It smells amazing. It works amazing. It IS amazing! It does, however, show white marks on shirts, but even the deodorant brands claiming to prevent this problem do. Overall this...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

Ban is the best deodorant I have used! Sweet surrender is my favorite scent. Each stick last a long time and the deodorizing and sweat factors work all day!!! Also unlike other deodorants Ban...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

Ban is the best deodorant I have used! Sweet surrender is my favorite scent. Each stick last a long time and the deodorizing and sweat factors work all day!!! Also unlike other deodorants Ban...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

Works great all day. Smells great. This is my favorite scent from BAN.

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

Have to agree with other posters- this deoderant works really well, and has a really strong scent. After I first put it on I can smell it, even after I put my shirt on. This deoderant worked well...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

Have to agree with other posters- this deoderant works really well, and has a really strong scent. After I first put it on I can smell it, even after I put my shirt on. This deoderant worked well...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

This is my HG deoderant! I have been using this for a few years now. And, it is the only d.o. that I have not become immune to- and it stop working. I don't care about the scent (as long as it...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

16 years ago

This is my HG deoderant! I have been using this for a few years now. And, it is the only d.o. that I have not become immune to- and it stop working. I don't care about the scent (as long as it...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

17 years ago

I never expected to have a HG Deodorant, but this may be it! I can't even describe how delicious this smells. I want to eat it. It's a sweet/fruity/candy scent. It's a white deodorant, and I...

Sweet Surrender
Created with Sketch.

17 years ago

I never expected to have a HG Deodorant, but this may be it! I can't even describe how delicious this smells. I want to eat it. It's a sweet/fruity/candy scent. It's a white deodorant, and I...