I prefer Athleta for leggings, much better fit for my body. I love Lululemon for tops & jackets+
I ask these questions:+++
Analyze why the dresses you used to wear "look ridiculous" now. The eyes can see things +
I’m sorry. I relate to your every word as I’m in a similar situation. My primary care physician+
Then maybe a short overview might be helpful +++
How is constantly monitoring/policing your weight & size healthy? ++
I feels so dialed with my face sunscreen going into this summer. LRP UVMune Cream for daily wear +
IDK. My aesthetician had a similar issue with filler/dissolving that you've had, and she's getting
Thank you Dina, I wouldn’t call you an older fashionista, you seem not much older at all. Having +
Thank you I don’t want to be tiny! Think my post was misconstrued I was just +