Our counters are getting installed today, I'm soooo nervous. The guy who did the measurements +
You can make it with apple juice or cider if you need to. Speaking of juice, just for you! Rop++
NOTD: Nail repair and Tonic Hot to Trot *pic heavy*
Guys, talk to me about intermittent fasting - does it work for you? +
I recently learned that DS1 has been throwing away his snack/lunch at school....rop
I read (Misty Copeland's book) to the pre-k classes at my LOs' school today and +
We looked into it and didn't do it. They basically rebuild the wall so it kind of depends on just+
It’s the small talk that gets me too—-“How’s your day++
Get an emerald cut eternity band. What is the budget? +
If you're already having this many problems I'd cut my losses TBH