I have long but sparse lashes, which I hate. My preference is short and stubby which is why ++
An Almay pink powder blush circa 1995-ish
Believe it or not Almay makes some creme shadows I like. You might try a few of those -
I use a tubing mascara so it comes off with just warm water but I think it will take off regular
UD Zero eyeliner on top lid w/ Almay mascara
I just bought a cream shade from Almay (never buy anything from this brand). It's a breeze to apply+
Almay intense i-color in smoky
new almay, so peachy - its nice so far, pretty coral shade, needs dense brush but its pigmented
Almay Velvet Foil Cream Shadow in "Astro Girl" & Inglot AMC Gel eyeliner in an indigo blue
Yes, a little over a month ago Eyes checked out fine. He said it was due to eye mu. Suggested i ++