Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

I wanted to find a way to stop shaving so often and purchased this. It worked but it's messy and time consuming. Was less painful than waxing for me though. I found a much better alternative. an...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

This product may remove real long hair from arms and legs when used properly, but it is very messy!! Also, if you have hair on the upper lip or want to remove eye brow hair, forget it!! It...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

I have read most of the reviews on this product, and I really feel compelled to defend it now. From what I am reading, it does seem like many people aren't using the product properly. Perhaps the...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

Bad Bad stuff! The first time I tried it I got bruises on my legs! I have waxed before and never had that problem. My bikini area had bruising and bleeding. I tried the stuff twice to make sure...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

This is absolutely horrid... it hardly removed any hair and (of course), the little hair it did remove came out very painfully. Would only recommend to someone I didn't like at all.

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

I bought this having seen it on TV, but a word of warning. Where I live (Ireland) when this stuff is at room temperature it is rock solid, there isn't a hope of getting a layer of it spread on the...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

I bought this because of all the hype on the informercials. So not worth the money I spent on it. The wax got all grainy after a while, if it got cold the wax hardened up. The strips are laughable....

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

This stuff sucks. I watached the ads on TV for over a year before purchasing. It does not work well at all, removing no hair, and was very painful to use. I would expect pain when ripping off...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

I don't love or hate this product. I used it for about a year before I discovered Nair Microwave sugar wax which I LOVE. Nads claims to require no heat to use but if the weather is cold the...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

Too bad there isn't a zero on the rating scale. This product was one of the worst purchases ever. I watched the infomercials and really wanted to try it but I regretted that. It smelled great. But...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

I wanted this stuff for a long time after seeing the infomercials. I had no credit card or checking account so I had to buy it at Walgreens, and I paid about $20 for it. I still feel ripped off...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

This is so much messier and less effective than warm wax. It is just one of the worst products I have ever bought in my life. Not only did it not work, but every ant in a 40 mile radius invaded...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

It didn't work for me at all. It's goopy, and there aren't enough strips so halfway through I had to wash them and dry them. My hair is fine, but dark, and most of it still remained although my...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

after all the hype and infomercials, i was so excited to get this product. what a waste! it didn't remove one hair from my body, it was messy, and it gave me a horrible rash. nads sucks!!

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
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21 years ago

I bought this a few years ago and it was "okay". Basically it is a cold gel type wax that comes with cotten reuseable strips. Apply.. cover with strips.. hold your breath and rip! =) As with any...