Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

Hmmm...let's see...why don't we just mix our own concoction of wall paper paste, hot glue, and a touch of honey for sweetness (to show how 'edible' it is), and spread on our bodies with a spatula...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

What a waste of money! No pain, my butt! This stuff really hurts when you peel, especially if you're not that hairy. When I peeled, no hair came off but isntead I was left with a red patch on my...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

Im not too hairy but this thing didnt work on me. The funny thing is that my bf has super hairy legs, and damn! it totally worked on him!i did a patch in his thigh and it really worked! LOL I...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

This product did barely anything for me. I was sooo disappointed when I tried this! If you can get it, get Parissa Hair Removal system. The wax is of professional quality and much cheaper!

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

I like this product. It´s a lot more convenient than wax for home use and I find it removes hair very effectively (though not noticiably less painfully). Plus I love the fact that you can rinse out...

No-Heat Hair Removal Gel Facial Wand
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

Waaaaaah! I used it once and was thrilled with the results - it worked! Not by any means pain free, but it took the hair off beautifully! ...And then I broke out (pimples, ladies)on my upper lip...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

I totally agree with Snowsix. Nads needs to be used at a certain consistency to work properly--but, if it is, the hair comes off cleanly. What I also love about this product is that any residue...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

Not the greatest wax but seems to work on my upper lip really well. I have thick hair and nothing over-the-counter seemed to work. I used to bleach my hairs before NADS and it was an embarassment...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

I got suckered in to this thinking it would be better than waxing, it isn't. This goop is so sticky and messy, and hard to spread if not at the right temperature. Less painful than waxing? Ripping...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

OK, not only was this a PITA to use (messy, etc), a roving hoard of ants attacked it in the bathroom closet. It was awful. Don't know what they were attracted to, a whole kitchen downstairs, but...

Hair Removal System - No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
Created with Sketch.

21 years ago

I seem to be one of the few people who like NADS. A friend suggested it so I bought it to remove the hair on my husband's chest. I think it works really well for being a home-use product. Only a...