
With every year that passes our natural collagen and elastin depletes and the process of replenishing it slows. This results in lines, wrinkles and an overall loss of firmness that ages our skin, but thankfully there's a remedy. CosMedix Phytoharmony acts as a kickstarter to reverse damage and ignite change. The emollient, daily moisturizer restores balance to hormonally aging skin by stimulating the production of collagen and elasticity. With every use you're signally your body to produce the collagen it needs to fill fine lines and smooth the overall appearance of your skin. Bottle provides approximately 90 applications with regular use. Key Ingredients and Benefits: Soy Isoflavones, Chirally Correct Thioctic R-Lipoic Acid and DHEA: firm, hydrate and balance skin Chirally Correct L-Glutathione: an age-defying peptide that fights free-radical damage



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