Rochas Femme/If I thought about it a bit I could probably write a book on this topic. Some off the++
I will check out the gel. Ty for the recs. I keep hearing about the sap moss products. I need to try
I have 3b dry, thirsty salt & pepper hair. I air dry and wear it curly always. My HG gel is +
testing Goldfield & Banks Pacific Rock Moss and Oliver & Co. Mousse/ margarita or fruit sour beer
Try burgundy, moss green, burnt sienna, navy, and bronze. NYX and Marc Jacobs are the best ime.
Commodity Moss and Pinrose Cuddle punk (love both)
Yes! It is very similar to the old Sap Moss which I loved. It smells the same, color isn't ro
Reformulated Aveda Sap Moss
Commodity moss