On my body I use Mychelle or Vanicream. Sadly nothing for my face yet. It's an endless search.
This is my current cleanser and I LOVE it! (r/o)
at my wit’s end with my skin+++
Thoughts on Vanicream cleanser? Looking for a less expensive cleanser than the one I normally use+
Vanicream Daily Facial Moisturizer. Ingredients ro
Use all the moisturizers your doctor recommend. Vanicream, LRP and then use ByTerry CC cream which
Ive used & liked Vanicream. There’s also a few other brands r/o
The area between my chin and the sides of my mouth get very dry....rop
Vanicream SPF 30. Mmmm.. not sure about it yet. Doesn't really seem to sink in; stays kind of
In what way? And how to tell the difference? +