I think I've finally found a nighttime moisturizer my (finecky) skin likes! +
He likes me both with and without makeup, and what I choose to do with money I earned is not his++
Fragrance contains multiple, sometimes even thousands of different, chemicals +++
Acids tend to dry skin out fast if you use them without getting used to increased dosages. +
Less junk. So many brands have dozens or hundreds of products in their line ups and +++
Give a super pared down routine a try. Sometimes I find that if I'm using too many things my skin+
I would not recommend the Proactiv cleanser, although the BP tx lotion is excellent+
Any colours that bring out the green and the muted tones. Usually opposing colours &+
I am wondering what I should use for an aging preventative. + + +
I don’t know if they’re expensive, but PC and GOW. DE is+