What causes millia? Is it product/ingredient? Or are some people just really prone to them?
I love Alkemia! Alcohol bases give a lot of lift and throw to more volatile materials, so RO
It sounds like the sunscreen isn't playing nicely. Mineral based ss tends to be much more drying ++
If the colors are equivalent, I'm NW20 and wear Light/medium in the non-serum fdtn ro
You might be cool olive like me. Think yellow undertones that lean lime green rather than
Agree with moisturizer and trimming the worst bits ++
Is it because you haven't found a powder that mattifies enough? This is a really hard question in ++
Yeah, I have rosacea and my skin's currently dry and it was too greasy and thick for me. I am happy+
2nd this. Also using a damp sponge/bb sheers it out a bit; making it look/feel more "natural". +
I've Rosacea for 35 years now (under control). I prefer Euro chemical ss because of the latest, rop