I'm 50 and I've Rosacea for almost 30 years now. See My Notepad for my full skincare routine, rop
Cure Aqua Gel or Pineapple Enzyme Gel +
You don't want to bathe too frequently, because that has bad effects as well. A safe spot if you're+
Thank you so much for this! How would i go about finding a holistic vet? I didn’t know there was+
This will be a novel's length but very informative from my own experience with an allergy dog +
Weleda Skin Food.
What breed is the dog? Some are more allergic than others. Does the dogs food+
Weleda Skin Food and Ecolips Mongo Kiss (both at Whole Foods)
Any positive change to one's diet will improve your complexion, but it won't likely refill lost ROP
I have had diabetes for almost four years. what I wish I knew back then