Replicas are hit or miss for me, like Beach Walk (aka Coppertone) $85 why? Mancera however Rop+
You smell like my kind of beach break, Love Holidays! My Review Rop++
Most of the brands that are under the giant parent corporations are kinda like that +
Does it have to be Lauder BG? One of these BG's made my BEACH LIST. Which One?...Rop++
DVDs out now.+
Attitude solid body oil in Sea Salt, 85g + 1 bottle of Tresseme Root touch up
THE BEACH LIST (updated) ...Rop++
These are the ones that I'm considering (mostly didn't get the first time around because they were +
Sorry these pictures are terrible and more of the pfd is textured than just the quad I really hate
I ended up painting my nails 3 times yesterday due to bad top coat lol & you need atomic- violet fla