Pitta Essential Oil
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17 years ago

This product rocks! For my fellow Pitta skin holders, this is a must try, must have. For one, the aroma is a personality soother. For two, it gets rid of broken capillaries -- and after as...

Pitta Essential Oil
Created with Sketch.

17 years ago

This product rocks! For my fellow Pitta skin holders, this is a must try, must have. For one, the aroma is a personality soother. For two, it gets rid of broken capillaries -- and after as...

Created with Sketch.

17 years ago

Fantastic product! I love Pratima ... and her skin care line. I've suffered from acne and scarring for years. Her products, in general, have soothed my skin and restored my skin to perfect...

Created with Sketch.

17 years ago

Fantastic product! I love Pratima ... and her skin care line. I've suffered from acne and scarring for years. Her products, in general, have soothed my skin and restored my skin to perfect...