oh right, I remember that one - thanks flakyknitter :) PS - Are you still doing Palette of the Week?
Look, I’ve gotten quotes, Jacono is NOT the only PS charging crazy six figure prices!
They remind me of NYC as a kid. On every street corner is a guy that sells them and the aroma ++
Word of mouth. That’s why I posted. Even if a PS is on IG, getting personal recs are important. ROP
Possibly Derm or PS office
Educate her on the dangers of excessive sun exposure. So not just the fact her skin will age rop
A gf of mine was told by a PS that her marionette lines are too deep for filler. The PS is her++
I bought a few NYX Shout Loud lipsticks and here's a cute Xmas tree from my local mall >
Started shopping for the thanksgiving rush? I have my list for Thursday.
Does this happen to you too? you do your makeup for a special occasion like a job interview and >>