So, after many years, I have decided my Mom isn’t going to change unless she truly wants to and puts
Because I knew there were four choices left+
Do you think she might have just used the “old” word just to close the conversation? The reason I
Same. I’m in my 40’s & have heard about people younger than me doing facelifts & shet but that’s r/o
I ordered a bunch of stick-on heating pads for the rave+
ADHD would not be an issue if he could manage it +
hello yes i have ADHD as do my ex husband and current partner/baby daddy+
have you ever dated someone with ADHD? would this be a deal breaker for you? this guy is ROP
what wine do you order? i just cancelled my membership to Joseph Phelps & looking for cheaper +
Me thinking about this: but I don't have time!!! Fcking hell but you're right, thanks for the insigh