Retin-A Cream
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13 years ago

UPDATE 7/28/11 So after using this for about 2 months and working up to using it 2 days on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 1 day off, repeat, I went in for a check up with my derm. My acne has improved and...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

UPDATE 7/28/11 So after using this for about 2 months and working up to using it 2 days on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 1 day off, repeat, I went in for a check up with my derm. My acne has improved and...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Some of the comments here are uninformed and quite honestly scary. I really hope most people are using this responsibly after educating themselves about the medication, and aren't using OTC/HE...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Some of the comments here are uninformed and quite honestly scary. I really hope most people are using this responsibly after educating themselves about the medication, and aren't using OTC/HE...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I used retin-a the wrong way. I used it twice a week, and I was fine. But too early on I used it consecutively for two nights at a stretch and looked like a monster--red, scaly, peeling skin. My...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I used retin-a the wrong way. I used it twice a week, and I was fine. But too early on I used it consecutively for two nights at a stretch and looked like a monster--red, scaly, peeling skin. My...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I like this a lot ^^ I got this on prescription from the doctor as part of an acne treatment regimen. It is great for when I have a large spot. It makes it go away MUCH faster. For example, this...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I like this a lot ^^ I got this on prescription from the doctor as part of an acne treatment regimen. It is great for when I have a large spot. It makes it go away MUCH faster. For example, this...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I had a bad breakout about a year ago and went to the derm and was prescribed Tretinoin 0.025% after my acne cleared up with antibiotics. After using for about 6 months, I told her I don't really...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I had a bad breakout about a year ago and went to the derm and was prescribed Tretinoin 0.025% after my acne cleared up with antibiotics. After using for about 6 months, I told her I don't really...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

The best advice i can give to anyone starting the retin a would be to invest in cera ve' facial moisturizer. to counteract the drying effect, use equal parts of moisturizer with retin a, your face...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

The best advice i can give to anyone starting the retin a would be to invest in cera ve' facial moisturizer. to counteract the drying effect, use equal parts of moisturizer with retin a, your face...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Hey Evryone. I started using (0,1%)about 3 weeks ago.. ive tried it already like a year ago for like 2 weeks (0,05%) but didnt see any results so quit it. so this time i use it for like one...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Hey Evryone. I started using (0,1%)about 3 weeks ago.. ive tried it already like a year ago for like 2 weeks (0,05%) but didnt see any results so quit it. so this time i use it for like one...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I was perscribed for this for acne and it took like 2 weeks for my skin to get used to it because it can be drying. (I used too much in the beginning so that could be why) but I use it as a spot...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I was perscribed for this for acne and it took like 2 weeks for my skin to get used to it because it can be drying. (I used too much in the beginning so that could be why) but I use it as a spot...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I just started a new blog about my retin-A treatment, because I am starting using it. I would be adding photos hopefully every week, so that we could see some improvement or difference. I have used...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I just started a new blog about my retin-A treatment, because I am starting using it. I would be adding photos hopefully every week, so that we could see some improvement or difference. I have used...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I've been prescribed this cream by my dermatologist to help clear up my acne scars and blemishes, and I have to say, my skin is a whole lot better appearance-wise! I used to have angry red spots...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I've been prescribed this cream by my dermatologist to help clear up my acne scars and blemishes, and I have to say, my skin is a whole lot better appearance-wise! I used to have angry red spots...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I started using this product as a teenager and I cannot recommend it enough. It gets rid of blemishes, makes your skin perfect, fades spots, and keeps you from wrinkling. In general people tend to...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I started using this product as a teenager and I cannot recommend it enough. It gets rid of blemishes, makes your skin perfect, fades spots, and keeps you from wrinkling. In general people tend to...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I tried all the skin care to treat my acne and nothing works like Retin A. It will take some time to see the result and will be discourage to continue the treatment for the first few weeks but I...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I tried all the skin care to treat my acne and nothing works like Retin A. It will take some time to see the result and will be discourage to continue the treatment for the first few weeks but I...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I am 32 and have mild-moderate acne. I was at my derm for another issue, and asked about retinoids because I was curious. He said I could benefit from retin-a because of my acne, and Rx'ed the...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I am 32 and have mild-moderate acne. I was at my derm for another issue, and asked about retinoids because I was curious. He said I could benefit from retin-a because of my acne, and Rx'ed the...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

this works for my acne! i like it! 5 stars! but it takes time, it is supposed to help control acne and acne scarring, and it somewhat does, but being patient is the key

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

this works for my acne! i like it! 5 stars! but it takes time, it is supposed to help control acne and acne scarring, and it somewhat does, but being patient is the key

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I think this is the only product which work for my acne so far... much cheaper than other product in the market.

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Im 45 and been using Retin A for years. I have wrinkles, age spots, blemishes, but the RA really smoothes everything. If I stop using it for a while, the difference in skin texture is incredible...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Im 45 and been using Retin A for years. I have wrinkles, age spots, blemishes, but the RA really smoothes everything. If I stop using it for a while, the difference in skin texture is incredible...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

<a href="">porno</a> güzel krem

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

once again to be honest i work in the industry. still in 2011, no potion or lotion with all the scientific background, Retin A is the only product to really work on exfoliation and wrinkles,I have...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

once again to be honest i work in the industry. still in 2011, no potion or lotion with all the scientific background, Retin A is the only product to really work on exfoliation and wrinkles,I have...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I get this as a prescription from my derm. My skin has been through hell and back dealing with acne since I was 15. I used Retin A when I was younger, and at the time it was too harsh. I am now 26,...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I get this as a prescription from my derm. My skin has been through hell and back dealing with acne since I was 15. I used Retin A when I was younger, and at the time it was too harsh. I am now 26,...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I have been using Retin A since I was 15, I"m now 37 and it shows. Do not use it everyday but 2 to 3 times a week at night. Make sure you use a high spf during the day and no sun bathing or...

Retin-A Cream
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I have been using Retin A since I was 15, I"m now 37 and it shows. Do not use it everyday but 2 to 3 times a week at night. Make sure you use a high spf during the day and no sun bathing or...