Sephora carries 3, 4 & 5. I used #3 & it did not wow me. In fact it may have caused breakage ++
Ok initial thoughts on adria by thalia...
Used the 3 in 1 conditioner by not your mother rop
my 1st grader has to take in 100 food items for trail mix and dress like a 100 year old. ROP
I’ve lost 8lbs since the 1st and I’m lusting after so many foods... I want all the pasta and che
but this is specific to her skin colour. they're asking her about +
The first time I packed pretty early, like 32-34 weeks? Baby was born at 37w ++
Not sure about the why, but try a silica supplement instead, same, if not better benefits+
We did daily baths starting around 6mo bc dd loves ++
Help! Recs for color-safe hydrating, psoriasis-friendly s&c for my ash blonde ombre. +