Now I’m starting to think, MCA is one of those polishes where people say I bought the green++
Pics of new nail swatch binder I made
pretty color go for it - I kinda get the argueing about eye color cuz mine is opposite as in
It's not that I object to being perceived as having blue eyes; blue eyes are gorgeous. +
I remember Cory. From the ****** mineral mania forum ++
It's good quality but I find I don't use it much. It's a neutral brown quad on most people but it +
Certain bad habits will age one eventually. One of my dear friends started drinking
Thank you! No, the inner sections are dark/thick enough, I think, but the arches outward +
Poll: Favorite color (be as specific as you want) and do you incorporate this color into your m/u? +
Clensers and toners are kinda rubbish, even the newer ones are mediocre and +++