3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

This is my first day using them (I actually have them on right now, it's been on for about 10 minutes now.) I just felt a sharp, cold, but short pain in my lower teeth, but it disappeared in less...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

This is my first day using them (I actually have them on right now, it's been on for about 10 minutes now.) I just felt a sharp, cold, but short pain in my lower teeth, but it disappeared in less...

Vivid White Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Of course, my teeth feel nice and clean afterwords... but when it comes to actually whitening my teeth, this product did absolutely nothing. I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day for three minutes at a...

Vivid White Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Of course, my teeth feel nice and clean afterwords... but when it comes to actually whitening my teeth, this product did absolutely nothing. I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day for three minutes at a...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Ugg! I wanted these to work but my non sensitive teeth are killing me on the second day! They came off great but after 3 hour my teeth got very painful I could not sleep well and the still are...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Ugg! I wanted these to work but my non sensitive teeth are killing me on the second day! They came off great but after 3 hour my teeth got very painful I could not sleep well and the still are...

Vivid White Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I brush my teeth twice a day but it didn't make them any whiter. I like the freshness it gives my mouth though.

Whitestrips Advanced Seal
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I'm on day 4 and these really do work. Will update again after I've used all 14 strips. PROS: -Having yellow and stained teeth for years, this really whitens them and it's a noticeable...

Whitestrips Advanced Seal
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I'm on day 4 and these really do work. Will update again after I've used all 14 strips. PROS: -Having yellow and stained teeth for years, this really whitens them and it's a noticeable...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I found this product to really work in the whitening department, and the strips are much easier to use than they were back when these strips first came out. They do hurt a lot at first, but the...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I found this product to really work in the whitening department, and the strips are much easier to use than they were back when these strips first came out. They do hurt a lot at first, but the...

Vivid White Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I was really super excited to have bought this product, thinking that my teeth would finally get a little whiter. I have tried so many products that have failed, but after reading so many reviews...

Vivid White Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I was really super excited to have bought this product, thinking that my teeth would finally get a little whiter. I have tried so many products that have failed, but after reading so many reviews...

Whitestrips SUPREME
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I'm from Australia and these cost me $99 online (the business is actually from Adelaide, SA but I believe they might be online only.) They're quite expensive here, but I've tried everything and...

Whitestrips SUPREME
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I'm from Australia and these cost me $99 online (the business is actually from Adelaide, SA but I believe they might be online only.) They're quite expensive here, but I've tried everything and...

Pro-Health Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Please do not buy this!!! I bought it thinking it would be a good tooth paste but within a couple weeks I had major problems. At first I thought I had a sore throat and then the back of my tongue...

Pro-Health Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

Please do not buy this!!! I bought it thinking it would be a good tooth paste but within a couple weeks I had major problems. At first I thought I had a sore throat and then the back of my tongue...

Whitestrips Premium
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I have mixed feelings about these whitestrips. I knew about the sensitivity and all but I didn't expexct my teeth reacton to be so strong. I just can't do it twice a day. After like 2 hours after...

Whitestrips Premium
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I have mixed feelings about these whitestrips. I knew about the sensitivity and all but I didn't expexct my teeth reacton to be so strong. I just can't do it twice a day. After like 2 hours after...

Pro-Health Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

It tastes horrible, but it instantly resolved my sensitivity after months of "sensitive" toothpaste failed to. In fact, while using a "sensitive tooth" toothpaste (Sensodyne clone) I actually...

Pro-Health Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

It tastes horrible, but it instantly resolved my sensitivity after months of "sensitive" toothpaste failed to. In fact, while using a "sensitive tooth" toothpaste (Sensodyne clone) I actually...

Vivid White Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I bought this in addition to sensodyne pronamal. Anytime you use a teeth whiting product you should use a enamal harding tooth paste as well. This is so that you don't have bleeding gums and...

Vivid White Toothpaste
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I bought this in addition to sensodyne pronamal. Anytime you use a teeth whiting product you should use a enamal harding tooth paste as well. This is so that you don't have bleeding gums and...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

A few years ago I bought Crest White Strips premium for my mom, and she left them laying around the house for a while, I completely forgot we had them till I found them in a closet. Anyway, my...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

A few years ago I bought Crest White Strips premium for my mom, and she left them laying around the house for a while, I completely forgot we had them till I found them in a closet. Anyway, my...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I really liked these things. They stayed on my teeth great, didn't slide around or make my mouth fill up with saliva like other whitening treatments do. And I saw a subtle brightening effect...

3D Professional Effects White Strips
Created with Sketch.

13 years ago

I really liked these things. They stayed on my teeth great, didn't slide around or make my mouth fill up with saliva like other whitening treatments do. And I saw a subtle brightening effect...