Yes. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize your SO does also! +
As of right now, I'm minimizing news exposure, but once January rolls around, I'm tuning back in +
Sounds like a good plan! I am trying to do what I can. That's
Same here. ++
That’s true, I agree. The T3 doesn’t grab like the one I have from++
So you like to use your curling iron w/a clamp like a wand? I like my curls w wand so u can take off
Read about preservatives in eye drops before using regularly ++
I'm not even 7 full weeks postpartum and I'm EBF except for like 3 bottles+
That sleep getup makes me short of breath with claustrophobia! The bra? Well, all I can see is +
Everyone here tries to help when a question is posted. If they don't respond it isn't because+