You might need weather stripping. take a pic of the window + see if you can get help++
Shows for the weekend.+
Devinah, Looxi, Sydney Grace, JD GLow, Give Me Glow, Juvia's Place, rop
Authors suggest their favorite books.++
its funny the progesterone only implant worked so well for you, made my acne wayyyyy worse :( ++
The big list of Cyber Monday Deals (so you can plan ahead) +++
What to watch after the turkey is gone.+
The e/s primer is ace! I also like the single shadows. Blushes are great, too.
I just sampled this- my notes include the words ace bandage, sharp, strong, and gross. Also apples+
I've had a couple of them over the last 25 yrs. Loved my Krups but the plastic egg trays +