Derma? Is this a European brand?
I have dry, (sun)sensitive Rosacean skin; N(C)10. I prefer Euro chemical ss; most physical ss rop
If find it a bit chalky and since it has Octorylene then it tends to feel warm/tingly on skin and +
Don't *abt the bacterial Q - could very well be due to the antibacterial effect of the cipro, or it+
I'm using A-Derma Exomega Creme. It's a thick lotion that melts into the skin.
I don't like CeraVe moisturizers. Dry, sensitive Rosacean skin. I'll stick with Avene, Eucerin or ro
I've got more all over oiliness, but my cheeks can get very dehydrated. For cleansers: I love+
Grr, not only did Clinique d/c my HG moisturizer DDML Cream over here but Eucerin rop
Derma E Skin De-Stress Calming CBD Cleanser, TO Mandelic acid serum, Vanicream Vaniply+
You may like this cleanser even better.