Nordic Skin Peel
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18 years ago

I really love this product!! I was having a mild break out problem for a few months and this peel cleared it all up within days. I have very reactive skin and was totally surprised and blown away...

Nordic Skin Peel
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18 years ago

I really love this product!! I was having a mild break out problem for a few months and this peel cleared it all up within days. I have very reactive skin and was totally surprised and blown away...

Nordic Skin Peel
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18 years ago

I had a severe breakout problem that lasted about a month, and after doing some research on skin peels, decided to give this try. It claims to have salicilyc acid and other ingredients to help your...

Nordic Skin Peel
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18 years ago

I had a severe breakout problem that lasted about a month, and after doing some research on skin peels, decided to give this try. It claims to have salicilyc acid and other ingredients to help your...

Bio-Intense Healing Serum
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18 years ago

I got this as a sample from Sephora and absolutely loved and love it! Really nice cooling sensation and quite soothing as well! After using my sample, I had to purchase a full bottle. This is...

5 Day Detox Kit for stressed skin
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18 years ago

I just got this on Ebay for very much less than the usual $45 price tag. I don't know how I feel about this so far, maybe it's way too soon to tell. However, while I do like the icy minty tingle of...

5 Day Detox Kit for stressed skin
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18 years ago

I haven't posted a review in a looong time but, i have been using ProActive and Clean and Clear and various Sonya Dakar products which have done ok with my acne prone skin. But, i had a bit of...

Oxygen Infusion Night Cream
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18 years ago

I bought this product because it seemed pure and could be effective, however it didn't do much for my skin at all. I didn't care for the scent either - it smelled like medicine. One good thing was...

5 Day Detox Kit for stressed skin
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18 years ago

I guess I'm one of the few here who like this product. First off, it definitely lasts more than you'd expect it to; I've been using the same set everyday for over a month. It'll probably last me...

Icelandic Relief Eye Cream with Biospheric Complex
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18 years ago

I really like this eye cream. I'm in my late twenties, and have been using eye creams for a couple of years. I found this one to be really moisturizing. It also lasts quite a long time; using it...

Icelandic Relief Eye Cream with Biospheric Complex
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19 years ago

Got a sample of this when I bought the 5 day detox kit (see review). I have been looking for an eye cream to address puffiness and dark circles. Because of my job, I find myself too often with...

5 Day Detox Kit for stressed skin
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19 years ago

I was good and waited for a week or so of using this set of products prior to writing a review I might later regret (as with R&F Unblemish). This was a total impulse purchase as I stood in...

Icelandic Relief Eye Cream with Biospheric Complex
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19 years ago

This product irritated my eyes to such an extreme!! They remained "bloodshot" looking for two days and my skin was red & dry. I'm always carful about applying creams anywhere near my eyes. This...

Icelandic Relief Eye Cream with Biospheric Complex
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19 years ago

This is an OK eye cream. Soaks right in. I only use this during the day as I use a more moisturizing eye cream at night. Price is on the average I think, to compare with others--$45. I haven't seen...

Icelandic Relief Eye Cream with Biospheric Complex
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19 years ago

i received a sample of this from, and as you only need a small amount each usage, this packet would last 1 month of 2x/day application. however, after using this 2x/day for...

Icelandic Relief Eye Cream with Biospheric Complex
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19 years ago

I got a sample of this great eye cream with a Sephora purchase and tried it out on a day when my under eyes were particularly puffy. To my utter amazement the area under my eyes flattened out -- it...

5 Day Detox Kit for stressed skin
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19 years ago

I don't if it's because things started slowing down, but someone gave me a gift of the Detox Kit and it just changed how I felt. My skin was looking so gray and older. The face wash is the best -...

5 Day Detox Kit for stressed skin
Created with Sketch.

19 years ago

This kit is nicely packaged for travel, which is why I bought it. However, all the products except the night moisturizer irritated my skin and broke me out. I would repurchase the night cream, but...