You can search for “fragrance free,” but those are only Japanese products. I +
I have a few Asian ones +
question about the order of things (and recommendations). I just recently started using Retin A,
Honestly when I had acne/clogs, I would look in teh mirror as little as possible. Kept the lights +
I have. The PC is a bit more "oily" and shiny in texture and finish. It's not really oily, it+
I haven't tried it because I am scared of the ferment in it. CosRX Galactomyces broke me out
Anyone tried both the PC BHA and CosRx BHA? Thoughts?tia
Under moisturizing SS I like DE B hydra or COSRX moisture free as they are light and hydrating.
I started to suspect glycerin as the clogging culprit for me r/o
Also you could try layering stuff- I use cosrx 96 essence