Replicas are hit or miss for me, like Beach Walk (aka Coppertone) $85 why? Mancera however Rop+
You smell like my kind of beach break, Love Holidays! My Review Rop++
Boy smells les / I miss schitts creek, and big bang theory
Boy smells VioletEnds
I used to be a bit against it, biased, you might even say, because the whole thing +++
Boy smells Violet Ends
I've been burningmine and can't decide what full sized to get! The Boy Smells one was disappointing!
I got TF Eau Soleil blanc, mini Ambient palette+
Does it have to be Lauder BG? One of these BG's made my BEACH LIST. Which One?...Rop++
Mini LSF fndt; Byredo Oud Absolute perfume; Boy Smells Hinoki perfume; Dedcool++